Animal Cruelty


Currently, there are an infinite amount of horrific industries profiting from abusing animals. Animal cruelty started way back around the 12th century and is defined as an act of violence or neglect perpetrated against animals. Leading up to the present, there have been various movements and acts that have helped decrease the cruelty of animals. For example, the   

Animal Welfare Act requires that minimum standards of care and treatment be provided for certain animals bred for commercial sale, used in research, transported commercially, or exhibited to the public. Although this act does little justice to animal cruelty, it is still a step-forward.

Besides the government helping, there have been vegans who participate in not consuming any animal byproducts. As a result of this new lifestyle, food companies have sprouted up to provide vegan foods. With a new way of eating, there has to be new food. Some companies have created an infinite amount of vegan foods including marshmallows, cheese, cakes, “turkey” and other delicious, cruelty-free foods. This shows major progress for not only cruelty-free foods, but stopping animal cruelty.

Before the issue was recognized,  many people didn’t understand/realize how animals were being killed for our dinner plate. The mass slaughter that goes on behind the commercials, and the neat-meat packaging is something that should be illegal. Earthlings, Cowspiracy, and other videos bring remarkable awareness to the vegan lifestyle while stopping the animal cruelty.Without seeing these horrific slaughter techniques the.

Glancing over the issue, it may seem that animals are just being killed. But, if we turn the tables and picture ourselves as the animals then we get a whole different perspective. What would happen if the animals were in charge? Suppose we were behind the cramped cages and were having our body cut open while being hung to bleed out. What if we were in the slaughterhouses? No one truly realizes what happens to these poor animals behind closed doors. The whole aspect of this topic is inhumane and truly shows how most of our society are too close-minded and cruel.

Eventually, there will be more and more vegans over the years. Animal cruelty will continue to slowly decrease and more people will neglect the truth. Look into the animal cruelty videos to open your eyes and help stop this inhumane way of our lives.


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