Trump wins the 2016 Presidential Election


Tuesday, November 8th, 2016, marked a significant day in our country’s history.  Donald J. Trump is elected the 45th President of the United States.  


Defying predictions and winning key battleground states, Trump scored the big seat in the White House. Becoming a historic upset, our nation may become divided in ways more than just politically.  


According to the New York Post, “We saw the populaces of America’s rural counties and exurbs — places Donald Trump visited and said had been neglected and forgotten and mistreated by America’s leaders — rise up practically in unison and vote for someone who said he would be the vehicle of their anger and the tribune of their restoration.”  Furthermore, the facts are the facts and there is no more denying the reality of the situation.  


Trump has made some crucial statements regarding his plans for the future of our country. For example, the building of a wall, deporting 11 million illegal immigrants, as well as the proposition that ObamaCare may be repealed by President Trump.  Whether he intends on pursuing these ideas, is ultimately his decision. Recently in his 60 minutes interview, he addressed that he will now focus on deporting illegal criminal immigrants and that the wall may not be acted upon. Also, he plans on keeping certain aspects of ObamaCare in tact.  


Trump, with no political background has clinched the biggest title one can receive in this country. The fact of the matter is he is our nation’s leader whether people accept it or not.  Protests have been consistent with expressing their beliefs. For instance, people are spreading their views by hashtagging “Never Trump”, “Not my President”, as well as wearing a safety pin that signifies their opposition to the decision.


All in all, a new term regardless of who is picked, promotes change.


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