Should School Start So Early?

Many students believe that school starts too early and we should start later. Others like to get the school day over with and get home earlier. Studies show both ways have their advantages and disadvantages. 

It is very common for high schoolers and middle schoolers to not get enough sleep because of how early the school day starts. There are health risks for not getting enough sleep. These include using drugs, being overweight, drinking alcohol and smoking. It could also lead to a poor academic performance. Being tired on a day of a big test could affect your grade. It is much harder to focus when you are tired. If you aren’t getting enough sleep you may start to become depressed. Studies have proven that students who get more sleep have improved grades. 

With school starting earlier, parents can most likely see their child go to school or drive them before work. If school starts after parents go to work, students will have the responsibility to make themselves breakfast, pack lunch, and get to school on their own. A later schedule will also have effects on extracurricular activities such as clubs and sports. If school districts change start times, these activities will start later in the day. Students will have a hard time getting homework and studying done. How would these students get to bed at a reasonable time?

There are many advantages and disadvantages to having school start later. Do you believe that schools should start later?

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