LMAO, You’re Most Likely Reading This on Your Phone

Technology is such a beautiful and progressive innovation. What other invention would be able to wreck relationships, destroy social skills, and increase the attacking of other individuals online? Personally, I think that technology has definitely bettered our society as it overly consumes our country, as well as the globe itself.


For starters, people have become completely dependent on texting and social media in order to have a conversation. How great is that? People no longer have to know how to actually communicate with their voices because they can just type it all out and send it through a tiny little box. And not only that, but it’s come to the point where people are able to run away from confrontation by merely not responding to their messages. Great job social media! You’ve successfully wrecked all traces of social skills!


Online dating is just as great. Some relationships consist of two people that don’t even know each other’s hair color. Isn’t that incredible? You could be dating a person and not even know what they look like. There’s been a major increase in the pedophile industry too, and more and more successes with molestings and kidnappings – and technology has just really served as an aid to this group of people. But in my opinion, I think we should be a little concerned about this.


You’d think that it’s impossible to have this many positive aspects, but wait – there’s more. Technology has managed to destroy not only romantic relationships, but family relationships as well. With the incline of technology comes the incline of parental dependency on tablets, netflix, and apps. Rather than personally interacting with their children, they’ve come to the point of relying on these wonderfully intellectual apps on Ipads and Iphones to keep their child occupied. What could be more educational than surfing subways?  Apparently parents have begun to disregard the importance of teaching their child from example and developing their social skills. Who needs to be prepared for the real world when you can watch Curious George?


But out of all these positively spectacular benefits of the technological world, I think cyberbullying definitely takes the cake. Someone can now attack you anonymously; how neat is that? And not even one person, but multiple people at the same time! I would like to sit down to coffee with the individual that created apps like Yik Yak and Ask.fm, where you can send out a cruel message for everyone to see and not even have to face the consequences of their actions – because seriously, that person must be a certified genius.
Overall, technology has obviously only changed society for the better, and I look forward to what cruel and destructive characteristics of it will be next! To the creator of technology, I hope you are really proud of the impact you have made on society.

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