Man Attempts to Cross Atlantic Ocean in a Homemade Hamster Ball

On August 26, Reza Baluchi, an Iranian-born resident of Florida, was stopped 70 miles from Georgetown in a vessel resembling a giant hamster wheel. The man told police officials he was trying to reach London; and was later arrested by the Coast Guard for conducting an unsafe voyage. 


Baluchi was also charged with criminal conduct. In attempts to hold off Coast Guard officials, Baluchi threatened to commit sucide if they tried to remove him. And this wasn’t the first time Baluchi had attempted something like this; he built his first homemade “pod” back in 2014. His original plan was to go from Miami to Bermuda, then Puerto Rico, and back to Miami. He again was arrested by the Coast Guard. 


The day after Baluchi refused to leave the “hydro pod,” a Coast Guard cutter named Campbell came to Baluchi’s rescue, giving him food, water, and to tell him that a hurricane was expected. But Baluchi refused again to leave his “pod.” Then on August 29, the Coast Guard again sent another boat, successfully removing Baluchi. He was brought back to shore in Miami Beach, where he was released with a $250,000 bond. 


Before becoming the famous man who tried to walk on water, Baluchi competed in many cyclist competitions and was a runner as well. During the years he has been involved in a number of charitable athletic events. He has admitted that his so-called “Hydro Pod” activities are an augmentation of him taking such a liking to biking and running. He has recently put out a statement saying that one of the reasons for his trips was to raise money for homeless shelters and other charitable causes. He also has a website where he talks about his mission and why he does what he does.  


Baluchi is a person with big aspirations, unusual hobbies and methods. He is Iranian born and was granted asylum in the U.S. when he emigrated here. On his website he says that after the terrorist attacks on 9/11, Baluchi wanted to show Americans that Iraniains aren’t all bad. He originally lived in Los Angeles, but then moved to New York to see his mission through. He put on his running shoes and decided to run the perimeter of the United States. He ran over 11,720 in 202 days and the money he raised was donated to The Children’s Hospital of Denver. 


He also would like to reach another personal goal, which is to run through 198 recognized countries and paddle one of his “Hydro Pods” across the ocean, to show the world that anything is possible if you believe and put your mind to it. This journey of his will take about four years to finish and will cover over 85,000 miles. A film crew will be joining him on his epic quest to prove to everyone that anyone can overcome anything. He will meet with country leaders and have them sign their country’s flag that will be proudly hung as a symbol of peace in New York.

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