January 6th: Never-ending

The case of January 6th, 2021 is seemingly ongoing. With every passing day, the investigation as to what truly lit the fire that led to 2,000+ rioters storming the Capitol grows to a popularity even greater than that of Depp v. heard from months earlier (a hard glass ceiling to break).

Despite occurring over two years ago, the events that occurred January 6th are not yet merely a moment left in history. In July of 2021, the U.S House Select Committee was established by the House of Representatives with the primary goal of investigating the event, and was newly elected on January 3rd of this year. The most recent verdicts that have been arrived at by this committee are the  referrals of Former President Trump for four different accounts of criminal prosecution. These four crimes include inciting insurrection, conspiracy to defraud the United States, obstruction of an act of Congress, and the improper handling of federal records. 

However, of course, this doesn’t just call for an automatic, infinite prison sentence. The panel has long considered Trump having broken the law, but it is still up in the air as to what charges he may actually face. The Department of Justice has mustered up an entire backlog of evidence that may dismantle any innocence the Former President could be found of. It includes over 1,000 first-account interviews and documents that point to his guilt. 

Assuming Trump is indicted officially, it is still unclear what may happen to him as a result. It’s not any surprise that a powerful businessman/politician has access to the elite Escalon of legal help and public support, so there is of course the great possibility that nothing will happen at all. In spite of all of this, he has still made teases at the plans for running again in 2024, and with primaries approaching, that decision will soon be released officially.

No matter what side you lean on, it goes without saying that the events on January 6th were something that shouldn’t happen under any government, especially one historically praised for so-called democracy. With the close following of this never-ending case, hopefully a just conclusion will be reached一speedily.

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