Smithtown West Alumni Creates MOOV

At a recent board meeting, a new development was thrust into the spotlight: MOOV. MOOV is an app created by Kevin Camson—a Smithtown West Alumni—that ultimately aids at making high school more manageable. Having academics, clubs, sports, other extracurricular activities, and volunteering hours to balance on a daily basis can be time consuming and greatly challenging. The new app is made to keep track and log all of your information and the information about all of these extracurricular activities, so that you’ll never have to worry about whether National Honor Society is on a Thursday in F Cafe or on a Wednesday in E Cafe ever again. MOOV is a place where all of your information is instantly accessible, and because of—despite Camson’s original link with Smithtown as an alumni—its craftiness, the district (as noted by SCSD Superintendent Dr. Mark Secaur) has plans of partnering with MOOV and working with app developers to make being in the Smithtown Central District an easier, more navigable experience for all high school students (and probably middle schoolers eventually). MOOV’s mission—as noted on their website—is “to centralize school info, making it social and accessible.” And when asked why they’re creating this to begin with, they stated “because we’re helping kids discover new groups, make friends, and know what’s out there.” MOOV is predicted to launch in late February/early March.

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